BSB 24/02/85 Sunday

BSB 24/02/85 Sunday

Woke up at 6:50 and it was a beautiful day! So I phoned Renata and went over to hers. Ana Amelia had stayed overnight but she didn’t want to go to the club with us, so it was just Renata and I. Renata didn’t want Vivi to go.

We met Onofre under block K and he came along. When we got there it went all cloudy and Renata phoned Ana Paula to arrange the meeting at Park Shopping. I phoned Vivi, to confirm whether she was coming too, she told me that Alexandra is back (great! I was really happy), and in the middle of our conversation Renata put the phone down on Vivi.

So I phoned Alexandra, but she wasn’t home. I phoned Vivi again (at the club everyone thinks Renata’s is Celso’s daughter, so she can do what she wants there, including using the phone). Piolho then arrived with two mates, but no Deca. As the club was boring we left at 11:15. As we arrived at 405 we met Alexandra and talked a bit (she hasn’t changed) and then went to Renata’s. We phoned Deca but they said he had gone to the club. So Renata went crazy and we ran back to the club (on foot). I was knackered, going backwards and forwards from the club. We saw Deca straight away at the entrance of the club. I was dying to see him! We sat on a table by the lake, Re, Ale, Deca, Fernando and I. I had my notebook so I asked them to write on it.

Deca asked me to read it only when I got home. It started drizzling so we went indoors. Piolho stayed there a little (he hates Alexandra, I don’t know why, maybe because she’s crazy about him). I told Alexandra about my flight back from Rio and the girl who talked all the way non stop. At 13:00 we decided to leave as we were meant to meet Gil at 14:00 at Park Shopping. I just didn’t want to walk all the way home again. As we were leaving (Deca arranged to meet us at 16:30 at Summer) a car with 3 people was leaving the club. As we were crossing the second road after the club, the same car stopped and the driver called us. He said he would give us a lift up the road. When we went in and I looked at the back seat guess who was there? Patricia, the girl from the flight back from Rio! She said she was an Assefe’s member and had seen me today but wasn’t sure whether it was me or not. Then she saw us leaving and thought she would try and see if it was me and it was. How lucky!

She said she is always at the club and Renata already started taking over and telling her how she should always go there from now on (she does anyway!). They dropped us at the A block and we rushed home to get ready.

Alexandra finally got ready at 14:00 and we ran to W3. Luckily the bus arrived straight away. We got there at 14:30 but Gil and friends weren’t there. We ate ‘rnacaquito’ (for 4,000 crz), nice but a bit too sweet after a while.

We went to the bus stop (at around 16:00) and then a guy drove by and stopped offering us a lift. As Alexandra accepted and we got in, Renata at the front seat. The guy was really nice, apart from being cute he was shy. He asked us only two questions: where to drop us off and what were we doing at Park Shopping. He dropped us off at the Eixinho by 205 and we went to Summer straight away. We met Deca, Fernando and Alexandre (Deca’s brother who will look as gorgeous as Piolho when he grows up, unfortunately he is only 12 years old now). We chatted until 17:00 and Renata had disappeared. They guys left and Alexandra and I went to look for Renata. We didn’t find her.

There were a lot of people from last year’s 8th grade from school! I was dying for a wee so we went to the loos at Praline, Renata was there, in front of the toilets. Then we went for a walk about for a while and came back to our 405. Alexandra went home and the ‘little girls’ (Ana, Silvinha, Aninha) were under the C block. We decided to play Assassin. I came home to pick up my glasses (it was 18:00) and my mum said my glasses had been broken because I had left them on the sofa and her friend sat on it. The lenses were fine, but the handle broke, I have to take it to be soldered back tomorrow. We played Assassin for a little while and the girls went home. Renata was washing Rodrigo’s car when her mum came back from Caldas with Celso. They didn’t even hug and Renata was forced to go home.

School starts tomorrow. It’s 20: 15.