BSB 23/11/1985 Saturday

BSB 23/11/1985 Saturday

I was out all day and evening. I called Henrique in the afternoon as he said he was coming, but made an excuse and didn’t come. First he invites himself and then decides not to come. At around 21:40 me, Renata, Vivi, Pedro and Ana were playing charades when Alexandra arrived from 406, didn’t say anything, sat down and started crying. She said a 17 year old girl, Cida from 415, whom Alexandra went out with a lot, had died… She wrote a 6 page later, wrapped herself in a blanket, and shot herself in the chest. In the letter she said she loved everyone and no one knows why she killed herself, because she was a very happy person and was always making plans.

Pedro started asking questions about her and arrived at the conclusion this girl was in his class, he saw her on Friday and she killed herself on Saturday for no reason. When her brother found out he was so desperate he nearly jumped out of the window. I didn’t know her, but death catches you by surprise and I was shocked.

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