BSB 23/09/1985 Monday

BSB 23/09/1985 Monday

It rained today! I almost jumped for joy. It rained when I was going to school and it was cloudy for the rest of the day. Humidity went up to 40%. In PE the teacher let us go and I played volleyball with the boys and Fabiane. Ze Marcelo from 7B (Civic Center’s President) was playing too, he’s cool and gave me a sheet with the declaration of the human rights. During the break Pat Lima was looking for me as my mum called the school to ask if I had seen a shirt of hers, one I haven’t even taken!

In Portuguese we received our tests for the book ‘Vidas Secas’, I got an A. Fernanda left during the break, her grandfather died. He was at her house, visiting, and on Friday she was complaining about him being a pain in the arse, and today he died…

In PAE we played golf as the teacher let us go early. Henrique and Riba turned up, they were taking the piss out of us, Henrique caling me ‘Lelécoptero’ (Lelé, my nickname and ‘helicopter’) and Riba calling Karina ‘Formiguinha’ (small ant). Couldn’t find Daniele when school finished. I walked with Henrique, Riba and Quenia. Marcelinho right behind us.

The Academy Novo Mundo is closing down, they are bankrupt. Cristina was sacked for ‘irresponsibility’. As this is the last week, Renata will teach. I might move to Lucia Toller academy.

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