BSB 23/08/1985 Friday

BSB 23/08/1985 Friday

Geography class was great. On the way back from P.E. Henrique and Riba invited me to go to the cinema, with Daniele. We talked quickly as Mrs Lili Bicudo was getting into my classroom and we had a test, which was ridiculously easy. During the break the three of us were together again. Henrique only found out about the trip to Paraguai today and said he’s going. Riba said he’s not going. When the bell rang we went back to class together and Henrique asked me to wait for him after school so we can walk together.

In Portuguese Riba walked past the window twice and said really loud: “SATURDAY, AT THE CINEMA!” No one knew what he was on about except me. When school finished me, Dani, Riba and Henrique left together, chatting. They walked with us to the bus stop. Henrique said he will call me tomorrow to arrange everything. But he won’t call, and I won’t go…

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