BSB 23/05/85 Thursday

BSB 23/05/85 Thursday

Portuguese was terrible, the teacher was being a pain! In PCS we were learning touch typing. Maths was the usual. During the break we couldn’t wait for the History lesson to start. The bell rang and we asked the headteacher to keep Magdala behind for a bit, while we got ready. Raquel and Daniele stayed in the class to see Magdala’s face. We put the fossil on the table. She came in and we all got a bit emotional, it was nice, she really liked her present…

My mum went to Caseb today, in the 8C, to do research about Brasilia, asking questions, afterwards she walked by and waved at me. The dance lesson was amazing. We lied on the floor and she played a Milton Nascimento song (Canção da América), when the song finished she said some beautiful words! And then put the song on again, about 4 times and almost everyone cried. When the lesson finished I carried on crying and laughing…

Zico, the footballer, was condemned to 8 months in prison by the Italians! (for tax evasion)