BSB 22/10/1985 Tuesday

BSB 22/10/1985 Tuesday

I was doing some drawings during the 1st period. The bell for 2nd period rang and Henrique turns up, all friendly, took my Walkman and spent 10 minutes messing about. Luckily the Science teacher wasn’t in today and I didn’t miss the class. I got 96% in History. Henrique and Riba stole my new hat at the end of the break, then gave it back later. Both Henrique and I have colds.

George and Airton, from the trip, were in school today, they walked past the classroom door. Fabiane and I left the class running, didn’t even tell the teacher why. So good to see George! We talked until the bell rang and then we had to go to History class. Got my English oral test result back: B

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