BSB 22/07/1985 Monday

BSB 22/07/1985 Monday

What is the ultimate in pain? Slide on a razor slide and land in a pool of alcohol.
What is the ultimate in strength? Break a corner
What is the ultimate in electricity? Getting a shock when receiving the bill

Went to Vivi’s in the afternoon and then Debora, Renata, Vivi and I went to Cristina’s and stayed until 16:50. Alexandra did go today and Ana Amelia no longer goes to dance lessons. In the evening Reinaldo (Renata’s older brother) took us to the Music Fair (Vivi, Renata, Nica and Well). The place was full but Cristina and Alexandra kept places for us. It was great. Beto’s band played (XYZ). The last band was great and everyone was dancing.

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