BSB 22/06/1985 Saturday

BSB 22/06/1985 Saturday

Menudo is still successful but three new groups are doing well: Ciclone, Domino and Tremendo. The first two are brazilian, Tremendo is from Argentina. The boring thing about them is that they don’t play instruments, they only sing and dance (and are cute).

Went to the club in the morning with Re, Alex and Ana. We sunbathed and played volleyball, and left at 12:15 with Renata’s mum. Spent the whole afternoon at home. I got up at 6 and washed my hair. We went to the club at 9:30. Went to the club yesterday too, but only with Renata. Last night we watched the final chapter of the novela das 8 (8 o’clock soap), Corpo a corpo. It was rubbish, on Monday a new one starts, Roque Santeiro, and it looks good. Went to the Junina party at 104 with Renata, Rodrigo (Renata’s brother) and Ana, in Rodrigo’s car. It was packed and full of good looking boys. But we left early at 23:00, because we were feeling a bit meh. I really miss school, but have no idea when this strike will end.