BSB 22/03/85 Friday

BSB 22/03/85 Friday

Today was madness at school. Before classes started we (Lara, Fabiane and I) had to rearrange the desks into 5 lines for the Geography test. Mrs. Amelia likes the desks to be far apart for her tests. It was easy as I had revised. In physical education we had the endurance test. We had to do 5 laps in 12 minutes. I only managed 4 and ½. Margarida said we will have to keep going until we complete the 5 laps!

The Maths teacher didn’t come in today and we had Portuguese instead. After the break I went back to the classroom and there was a chalk war when I walked in. Patricia Lima had one thrown at her face. I just left the classroom and when I saw the teacher coming I hid, when I got back in the class Lara told me she was really angry and said that if we didn’t improve the whole class will be suspended. The 8c didn’t have the 4th period and Henrique and Riba kept walking past and waving. We didn’t have the last period and played cops and robbers. We got a bollocking though because we were running around school, screaming. So the whole class just sat around and talked.

We then saw another class throwing lots of water on their elected representative and decided to do the same to Lara, but we got a really dirty look from one of the teachers and gave up on the plan. Later there was a commotion outside school and we went to see what it was all about. There were three Caseb students fighting. A big boy against 2 smaller boys. At one point the big boy threw one of the little guys on the floor. He was just lying on the floor, laughing, with his head hanging off the kerb. He nearly got run over by a car. I just felt this weird thing inside of me and decided to stop the fight and as I was walking over an inspector turned up and took them three to the office. The bell rang and Karina, Daniele, Lara, Henrique, Riba and I walked to the bus stop. Daniele fell in love with Henrique and I kind of like Ze. Daniele and I caught the bus, Renata jumped in at her stop and Alexandra and a friend were waiting for us at our stop.

It’s 22:45. I went out at 16:10. Debora, Renata and I talked for a while. At 18:00 I went to the dentist with my mum. Today was my last day there. He finished polishing my teeth at 19:00 and I couldn’t eat for another 2 hours. Everyone was out tonight (Cesar went to Sao Paulo and will be back on Monday). Gil was supposed to come over but he didn’t show up. Fine by me. Little by little everyone went home and at 21:45 I went up. Fabiano, William and Negao were winding me up and tried to get on my lift with me. I got in on my own but the lift stopped on the 2nd floor. William had run up the stairs and pushed the button. He tried to get off with me but I just pushed him away and he left. These boys will just do anything for a kiss. Perverts!