BSB 21/10/1985 Monday

BSB 21/10/1985 Monday

I got an A in Maths!!!! I had my report the other day, these are my marks for the 3rd bimester
Portuguese: B
History: A
Geography: B (1 absence)
Science: A
Maths: B (1 absence)
Dance: Satisfactory PE: Satisfactory RE: Satisfactory PAE: Excellent

During the break Henrique didn’t even look at me… During Portuguese the teacher told us off badly because me, Orlando, Johny and Fabiane were talking. I turned around to her and said “It’s not just us talking is it? If it was then fair enough…”

In PAE Arthur stayed behind for 10 minutes winding me up! I went to sit down, he pulled the chair off, I fell down, he went to get me up then gave me a hug, I went running after him, he hid behind the door, when I walked through the door he grabbed me. So annoying!!!!

Later Henrique walked past us but didn’t talk to me and that upset me, he didn’t even want to walk me out after school. What is going on with my brother?

Daniele and I went to 512, Murilo’s father owns the Ritz stationery shop, and he stays there in the morning before school. I spent the whole afternoon doing homework, but still didn’t manage to catch up. I have to do the Geography assignment for Friday. I’ve had a cold since yesterday.

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