BSB 21/09/1985 Saturday

BSB 21/09/1985 Saturday

Last night there was another earthquake in Mexico, 6.5 points on the Richter scale. Three hundred buildings collapsed and another 100 could go. A maternity collapsed killing 100 babies and 8 mums. Mexico City is isolated, it can only communicate via telex. My mum tried to ring there but couldn’t get through. How awful.

Today is Ana Amelias’ mum’s birthday. Spring started badly, with an average 25% humidity. When I got home at 17:50 Vivi called me asking me to go down quickly. Pedro and her had split up, for a change. We talked until 19:30. Ana Amelia came here at 20:40, for us to watch ‘Festivals of Festivals’, got nothing better to do so I’m watching it. For a change the songs I liked didn’t get qualified. Even Nelson Mota complained.

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