BSB 21/08/1985 Wednesday

BSB 21/08/1985 Wednesday

Went to do some blood tests at 7, and was done at 7:30. My mum took me to school in Carmen’s car. Was a bit late and went to the back of the school. Our teacher was back from SP and we are all a bit rusty, except me as I’m always exercising in dance class. In Geography the teacher had a massive go at Adilmar. We didn’t have RE (teacher didn’t go to work) and we had maths instead.

During the break Riba walked past me and pushed me. I gave him and Henrique my memory notebook for them to write on. There’s a rumour that Henrique fancies Daniela and that she fancies him. In Science the teacher said: whoever picks this rubbish up first gets a point. There was a lot of rubbish near the bin. When she said that half the class flew to the bin, lots of pushing, people falling over… Hilarious! I was the first but the teacher in the end didn’t give any points to anyone, because of the chaos. We didn’t have last period so we just chatted.

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