BSB 21/07/1985 Sunday

BSB 21/07/1985 Sunday

Stayed at home until 15:40 ready for the show which was starting at 18:00… Vivi’s mum took us three there – Vivi, me and Nica – at 16:20 and we queued until 17:00, when the doors opened. Vivi and Well arranged to meet there, but no sign of him. We stayed right at the front of the stage, but not sure why, I wanted to move back a bit. The floor started to fill up and some guys started talking to us. The show started late at 18:40.

Where we were there wasn’t enough space to dance and Nica complained about everything – we moved back and stayed next to some nice guys. We met Solange, Aurora, Feijao, Cristiane, Aline, Clarinha, Patricia and Marco Vinicius. The show started and some scuffles were breaking out here and there, mostly play fighting, but some space opened up and we could dance. This show was a lot calmer than the last one, but it was a thousand times busier. It was great and finished at 20:20. The only rubbish thing about it was Nica who kept wanting to sit down, or cried because of the fights, or was scared of the boys sniffing lolo or smoking weed. Some people offered us some but we refused.

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