BSB 21/05/85 Tuesday

BSB 21/05/85 Tuesday

Today is Fernanda’s birthday: 14 years old. PCS lesson was, for a change, very boring! In Science we spent the last few minutes out, rehearsing. In History we got given a project during the lesson. During the break, Petronio and a friend stuck to me. In Portuguese, he sat outside our class, watching the lesson. The election for the ‘Popcorn Queen’ has already started. Last year I won, this year, I’m not interested, it’s too much hassle. During the last period Lara, Dani, Karina and Raquel (from 6B), Fabi, Natacha and I went to buy the fossil for our History teacher. We took the bus to Venancio 2000, and we had a massive party on the bus, same in Venancio. We bought the fossil and a card for our teacher.

We got back, Natacha, Dani and I on the same bus, when we went past the stop at 10 (I took a longer route to be with the girls), Caseb had just finished. Some boys, including Tairona, tried to get on the full bus and couldn’t, so they tagged it from the outside. Renata got on the bus too, on the 14.

It’s been a month since Tancredo died. The dollar is at 5,290crz in the official market and 6,400crz in the black market.