BSB 21/04/85 Sunday

BSB 21/04/85 Sunday

Last night Renata, Alexandra and I went to a party where the wind turns a corner: 316 North! It was Marisa’s party,
She’s Alexandra’s friend and Andre’s ex. Claudio, Andre and Fabiano were there too. I argued with Andre the whole party. Alexandra’s mum was supposed to pick us up (she drove us there too), but she got lost when she came to pick us up, she drove past the building but we hadn’t gone down yet. I don’t know what the hell happened. Anyway we waited until 1:15 in the morning (freezing to death). She had been looking for us for an hour. When she passed by the K block we had taken Claudio to the place where he was staying and we missed each other.

We went to the club this morning. Alexandre (Deca’s brother) is going out with Patricia. In the afternoon we went to Summer (it was cold) Marcelo was there, wearing green shorts, so cute! But I only spotted him at 18:00. As it was cold it wasn’t very busy, but it was lively.

Today Airton Senna made us proud in the Portuguese Grand Prix. He started in pole position and led all the way. It’s his first victory. He’s only been racing since ’84 and has won a race already. I think he’s going to do very well…

Today is the saddest day of the last few weeks. After much agonising over Tancredo things are really deteriorating now. His body reacts badly to all the medication he’s given. He has got low pressure and the doctors were reducing his body temperature to 36 degrees for a reason I don’t really understand. The right side of his heart is swollen. His blood is not circulating properly and his hands and feet have started to decompose. How awful! He’s only alive because of machines. They even got an American doctor to help but there’s nothing he can do. It’s very confusing. They are saying that the operation(s) were not done properly, and then that they were. As far as I know.he could be dead already and they are just hiding it, not knowing what to do.