BSB 20/12/1985 Friday

BSB 20/12/1985 Friday

There was a big thing at Gino’s yesterday. Ana Amelia told me all about it, she can see into his flat from hers. Late last night she went to the kitchen, to drink some water, and saw a police van in the car park. She could see police people searching everywhere, taking photos. Mr. Mario (the old drunken pervert who tried to kiss me on the lift), Gino’s aunt, Jorge and Alexandra (their sister, not my friend Alexandra) were there too. Mr Mario seemed very nervous. Ana told me this afternoon, but no one knew what had happened, apart from William, but he wasn’t around.

Ana’s brother then found out what happened: it seems a gun went off and hit the maid, that’s all I know, don’t even know if she’s alive, if they tried to kill her, if it was an accident, no clue! Maybe the old pervert tried to do something to her, she refused, and he shot her (only kidding). As I’m no gossip, and I’m not curious at all I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! Apparently the 1st DP was back here today (DP = Delegacia de Policia)

Apart from that it’s been so monotonous, Ana and I played hop scotch. Luis turned up on his bike, said hi, took the piss, etc… I think I’m 12 again and I’m regressing: hop scotch, jumping elastic… I really don’t know…

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