BSB 20/11/1985 Wednesday

BSB 20/11/1985 Wednesday

I didn’t tell you some stuff about William. On Sunday evening we were talking until 11, him trying to kiss me, but for some reason I didn’t let him. How stupid! On Monday he came again but nothing happened either, because the girls turned up and we had an argument . Then this afternoon the girls asked us about us and he said he wasn’t interested in me anymore, and I said I didn’t want him even if was painted in gold. It’s not true. I hope what he said isn’t true either. I think I do fancy him, he has such great legs… He’s a bit silly though, he’s 14 years old.

Vivi is back with Pedro and came to talk to me, as we have confidential business to talk about.

Ah, I completely forgot this. About 2 weeks ago, on the 7th, Alexandra and Vivi skipped school and went to Lojas Americanas to steal some things. Vivi had put some stuff in her bag and she got caught! It was terrible. Only Cristina and I know about this.

Today was the last time of the year I bought bus passes, shame because the guy who sells them is gorgeous, I just stare at him when I go there.

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