BSB 20/03/85 Wednesday

BSB 20/03/85 Wednesday

As it was raining we didn’t do the Physical Education test, and we went to the gym instead to do some exercises. There were 4 classes in there and it was madness. We were doing exercises and the boys were playing football, which kept hitting us invariably.

The religion teacher asked last week to bring some food and clothes for charity. Some people remembered to bring stuff. About 10 of us took the stuff to Marly, but she wasn’t there and we had to wait for 15 minutes. Then the teacher sent Karina, Lara, Natasha, Fabiane, Karina and I to make some posters for this charity campaign. We finished just before the bell rang. We took them back to the class but everyone was running out of the class, as the bell had just rang. When we managed to get in one of the posters had been ruined. We are going to have to redo in the next lesson.

We chatted with Daniela during the break and Marcelo joined us for a while. Some boy pushed Guilherme on top of Karina and he blushed! How cute! During the Science class we were very quiet as the teacher (Kilza) went mad and we got the fear. We have another Maths test tomorrow(it.should be easy). Karina and I left school together, near Marcelo, and I met Renata on the bus.

It’s 17:57, I arrived from music lessons, washed my hair, did some homework watching telly. Tancredo had another operation at 15:15. His intestine was blocked so they cleared that up. Is he going to get better? Shall we pray for him?