BSB 19/12/1985 Thursday

BSB 19/12/1985 Thursday

Now the girls are gone I will die of boredom. Stayed at home all morning, then Ana and I met and talked a bit… We called Vivi. She managed to pass all 5 subjects, as Pedro helped her study, explained everything, really supported her. A miracle!!!

Ana Amelia on the other hand, had to resit 3 exams, didn’t revise, and failed, she’s repeating the 6th grade. We played some volleyball then went to Ana’s flat, and I asked her to call Henrique. She said the woman said he’s gone to Guarapari and isn’t coming back until February. I’m going there on the 30th, maybe a miracle will happen. Renata and Alexandra are going there too, on the 15th.

My aunt called me last night. Funny, I was thinking about her yesterday, and she calls me. She asked why I’m not going to see her this year. I felt like going, but my mum already bought tickets, so I can’t go.

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