BSB 19/03/85 Tuesday

BSB 19/03/85 Tuesday

It’s 13:13 and the dollar is 4,161 crz and 5,150 on the black market. They keep saying that everything is fine with Tancredo, but somehow I don’t believe the news. When Figueiredo was ill they filmed him and took photos but so far we have not seen any recent images of Tancredo.

Only Johny, Cinthia, Fernanda and Naeif had arrived in school when I got there. I talked to Naief and Johny. I argued with the PCS teacher, for a change. Before the Science test the teacher asked Aldimiro to wipe the board. There was a bomb drawn on the board as as he wiped the wick everyone started going ‘shhhhhhhhhhh’. When he got to the end the whole class screamed BOOM!. The teacher just looked lost as usual and didn’t do anything.

We had the test (I cheated a bit, I had to) and she asked us to swap and correct it, I swapped with Karina and fixed her mistakes, and I didn’t get anything wrong! Natasha, Karina, Lara, Fabiane and I all got 100%. It would be crazy if we didn’t. But the teacher nearly lost it at one point and nearly gave 0 to the whole class. I wonder why she lost it, we are angels!!!! Daniela (she’s in Marcelo’s class), Karina and I left together. Marcelo, Guilherme and another boy walked behind us. Guilherme called Karina for a chat and Daniela was telling me Marcelo is too full of himself because he didn’t talk to her on Sunday, when they saw each other at Summer. He stopped and said (looking at me):
– She was surrounded by men! Do you think I was just to barge in and say hi? Do you?
And he grabbed my arm and I said he was right. Marcelo isn’t that good looking from close up. Daniela and I caught the same bus and Renata got it too. We had a great ride home. I have to revise for my English test.