BSB 18/12/1985 Wednesday

BSB 18/12/1985 Wednesday

If that silly, 3rd rate proud idiot thinks I’m going to call him he’s mistaken. It’s so hard not to call him, and it’s stupid of me to be so precious, but I won’t call. He’s probably away anyway. I need to at least know if he’s in Brasilia, I don’t even know that. He keeps popping in my head when I’m not thinking of anything else. I became too attached to him. I don’t even want to kiss him, I just want to see him… This is awful, I can’t revise properly or concentrate on anything.

Renata and I (she’s going to study there too) got taken to Leonardo by my mum to do the test. We started at 3, first with an IQ test, then Maths, Portuguese, essay writing, grammar… The class we were in was chaotic. Renata finished at 16:10 and I at 16:30.

Renata and Alexandra went to Lavras at 6:30, from there they are going to Vila Velha with Renata’s mum.

Ah, yesterday Johny and Israel came here to say hi…

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