BSB 18/09/1985 Wednesday ‘D Day’

BSB 18/09/1985 Wednesday ‘D Day’

Today was ‘D Day’, Debate day, for us to discuss problems and find solutions. No other school kids were on the bus, only our school. Henrique and Riba were there but soon vanished. We rehearsed the ‘Jogral’ then joined the rest of our class drawing on the floor all over school, but they will soon disappear once it rains. At ten the leftover people went to the auditorium. The gym was half full. We did our jogral, then it was 7th grade’s turn do to it. Gustavo’s father did a talk which took ages and because everyone wanted a debate, my mum who was there too, asked for it to start. My mum and some other mum did most of the talking, things got heated up and some students also talked a lot. The debate finished at 12:10 but there wasn’t enough time so there will be another one tonight and my mum is going. It wasn’t a great debate, but it was the first and the others will be even better…

Today was Greta Garbo’s 80th birthday, and today is also the 35th anniversary of the first TV transmission in Brazil. The World Championship of Volleyball is in the semis, Brazil and Cuba are playing this afternoon, both men’s and women’s.

The private school strike continues, and nothing has been decided.

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