BSB 17/10/1985 Thursday

BSB 17/10/1985 Thursday

Had no time or disposition to write before today. Back in Brasilia since 10 this morning and have been to English and back. Have seen Henrique and satisfied my longing to see him. Now I really miss the people from the trip, we got really really close. Got closer to Murilo, George and Aurea. Lots of people cried yesterday and today, like an epidemic, very depressing. We had a secret friend, we picked the names on the way there and revealed them on the way back. I got Celio and George got me. I didn’t think he liked me much but he wrote some things on my memory notebook and gave me a hug, I felt regret for not becoming his friend sooner. Daniele and Murilo got together. My crush was Wilson, the most gorgeous guy on the bus, he’s 19 years old. For the first three days he was really into me, then after that he completely ignored me. The journey back was emotional…

I got everyone’s numbers, but I don’t think we will see each other again. Murilo called me today to ask for Daniele’s number. We got lucky not to get stopped by customs. I bought 3 trousers, 3 shirts, shoes, a hat, glasses, a watch, Walkman, bracelets and rings. Things went missing in our room though, my Fiorucci shirt, Fabiane’s biscuits and Daniele’s 100 thousand cruzeiros. Daniele and I got our period during the holiday, and there was a pool in the hotel but we didn’t go near it.

We went to Itaipu, Paraguai, the waterfalls, and the border with Argentina. I took some great photos, but ruined the film when I took it off the camera, I’m devastated about that. Can’t get over it!

Have a test tomorrow and did no revision whatsoever.

Some photos from the trip, Foz do Iguacu…







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