BSB 17/08/1985 Saturday

BSB 17/08/1985 Saturday

Today’s rehearsal was different. To get into the academy we had to ask a random man from the bike shop to climb up the railings, through the windows at the back, to open them. Luckily the window was unlocked. Cristina has forgotten the key inside the academy. After about an hour’s rehearsal it was test time to see who would be dancing what. The mirrors were covered. We went through all the dances, one by one. On the first dance we were all very nervous, the legs weren’t working! Everyone had a second chance. Cristina said that being at the front is very important, because only the best dancers stay at the front and this created a competitive atmosphere.

We all relaxed eventually and dancing got easier. Alex is at the back in all dances she’s in, and she’s out of two. Renata is at the front on the 1st and 6th dances and won’t dance in two. Lu won’t be in the 3rd and 4th dances. Fabiana will be in all dances, 3 at the front, 3 at the back. Martha will be the main snake, doing a solo with Cristina. I’m in front for all dances, except the last. Lots of people were upset. Now we have to rehearse a lot, Cristina said to those who were left out, to practise more and they will be in all dances. And for those who are in, if we get worse we will be out. We will rehearse on Monday, Weds, Friday from 18:00 to 19:00 (on top of the normal lessons), on Saturday from 9-12 and on Sunday 9-10.

In the afternoon went to Park Shopping with Luciana, Fabiana, Ana Amelia and Martha. We went to see a 10m tall doll called Eva, you can go inside her to see the human anatomy, but we gave up and went ice-skating instead. And then we walked around for a bit. We all kept falling when ice-skating, except for Martha, who just clung to the railings. My fall consisted of both my legs going up in the air and me landing on my arse. I was soaking wet.

Today was Renata’s godchild’s birthday, Pati. She is 3 and the party was at 17:30, but we couldn’t go as we only got home at 19:30, and then we stayed talking at Lu’s house until 22:30. After skating we ate and sat on the table for about an hour. I called my mum to say I’d be home at 9 but didn’t turn up until 10. My mum had half of Brasilia looking for us, when I got in she wasn’t here. Mine and Ana’s mum were out looking for us, in the dark, it’s full of thieves out there, and they call us irresponsible! When it comes to running at least we can run fast, they can’t run fast and are an easy target.

This afternoon was really great, the five of us got really close. Shame we didn’t make it to Renata’s house, she must have been upset.

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