BSB 17/07/1985 Wednesday

BSB 17/07/1985 Wednesday

Went to the club in the morning despite the cold wind, both Renatas, Vivi and I. We played volleyball and table football.. We got home at 12:30 after Renata’s mum picked us up. We went out at 4 in the afternoon. We tried to go on top of a lift at 205 but the caretaker turned up and we ran for our lives. We stayed at the I block talking to Negão, Jorge, Marcelo and Fabio. Marcelo and Fabio moved to Rio at the start of the year and are here on holiday. We went to the A block at 205 to try and go on top of the lift again – Vivi, Renata, Gino and I. Renata (the one staying at my house, had gone back to my flat). Renata had just jumped on top of the lift when the caretaker turned up. Renata and Gino ran downstairs, I went up to the 4th floor and Vivi hid on the stairs. I then went down to the ground floor and as I left the caretaker asked me what was I doing on the lift on the 3rd floor, I just said
“I was at Andre’s flat on the 6th floor” and he seemed ok with that. Renata and Gino were outside when I came out, we waited another 3 minutes for Vivi to turn up.

We were there for a bit and Gilmadson turned up in his car, Renata completely ignored him, and he left with tail between his legs. We went back to our quarter and called Renata to come down and we chatted until it was time to go to dance lesson. Cristina says she’s having an abortion tomorrow! I just ignored it all as I think she’s having a false pregnancy and now she’s having a pretend abortion.

Vivi called in the evening, crying, because Pedro had a fight with her, he’s so rude. If I was her I’d dump him. He’s really jealous and annoying.

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