BSB 17/06/85 Monday

BSB 17/06/85 Monday

I went to school in the morning and no one was there, apart from Fernanda! Then some people started turning up. As the Maths teacher told us to go, strike or no strike. Waste of time, as we didn’t have a class in the end, because if any teacher in the affected schools taught, the strike organisers would go there and stop the lesson. Lara, Fabi, Celia, Dona and I went to CNB. Got home at 10:40. At 13:30 I went to the hairdressers with my mum and completely changed my hair style. Looks good!

Spent the rest of the afternoon with Alexandra. Went to SAB to buy some pasties, bumped into Orlando and chatted for a bit. In the evening I was out for a little bit. The weather is awful, minimum temp 11c, maximum 25c, and humidity very low at 15%!