BSB 17/03/85 Sunday

BSB 17/03/85 Sunday

Renata, Alexandra and I went to the club. They didn’t go to the cottage yesterday but to Alexandra’s aunt’s flat, in Guara. I had washed my hair when I woke up as I didn’t think we’d be going to the club so I never swam as I didn’t want to wash it again. The club was packed and Deca was there, it was cool. While the girls were swimming, I was chatting to Gino and Onofre. They said that Cesar is always slagging me off. What a stupid wanker! Fair enough he might not fancy me, but why spend his stupid time talking shit about me? They said that he calls me everything but a slag, because if he did no one would let him get away with it. Binho shaved his head and he looked ridiculous, but he had permed his hair and that looked even worse!

When we were waiting for Renata’s mum to pick us up, about 15 girls (I’m not lying!) got into a car and the owner asked us if we wanted a lift! We laughed so much at Binho, I called him Kojak. I met Celio, Deca’s friend, really funny bloke, about 14/15 years old. At around 2 everyone went swimming and I asked the lifeguard if I could sit on his chair. Everyone was chucking water at me. Deca and Fernando were wondering if I was having my periods. My shoulders are hurting from the sun and I am exhausted.