BSB 16/08/1985 Friday

BSB 16/08/1985 Friday

Today was my bad luck day! The Geography teacher handed back the tests, I got 70% and got a bit of a telling off from her. She said she knows I didn’t revise, etc. What has it got to do with her? Fabi and Marcia also got a telling off. Natacha and Karina did well not to go in today. I was quite upset by the telling off. I’m going to get 100% on the next test, no matter what. When I was going to PE Riba and Henrique were walking back. We played volleyball. The teacher is still in São Paulo so the boys teacher taught us too.

In Maths I paid no attention and was doing some other homework. In Portuguese I kept asking the teacher to do an activity, since yesterday I have been asking, and she’d send Lara, Fabi or Cleber, anyone but me, to do it. I just sat there, feeling like crying until the end of the lesson. Think it was the final straw for a lot of things that have been happening lately.

My mum is going to buy a car, second hand of course, she took it home today to take to the mechanic. A Fiat 147, for 6 million crz…

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