BSB 16/07/1985 Tuesday

BSB 16/07/1985 Tuesday

My mother took me and Renata to the Anthropological museum in the morning. We met Lara and Celia there and did some research for History, our holiday project. We got the bus back and I washed my hair.

In the afternoon Cristina asked me to teach her class, as madam and Alexandra were going somewhere, I couldn’t as I had to wait for my new bed to arrive – I could have gone as the damn bed only arrived at night, but they got delayed.

Renata and Vivi came here and stayed all afternoon until 18:00. After the 7 o’clock soap, Renata and I went out to buy ice-cream, chips and for a walk. When we got home the man from the bed shop was putting the bed together. It’s 21:35 and at 22:15 I’m going to watch ‘Fame’ – a movie never shown on tv before, it’s a great movie!

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