BSB 16/02/1985 Saturday

BSB 16/02/1985 Saturday

In the morning (already 9:00) Vivi, Well, Renata and I went to the club. Renata’s mum went too and she was
driving us there. Half way there the car ran out of petrol and Renata’s mum got Well to get some petrol. While
he was away Renata had the idea that we should push the car until the petrol station (we thought the staff at the
petrol station would think Well was trying to steal petrol, which they did). So Renata, Vivi and I were pushing
the car and we dragged a boy that was walking past to help us. There was a hill (up) and that was a struggle.

We got there eventually, filled the tank and went to the club. We played volleyball. Piolho was there. Deca arrives back tomorrow night from Recife. I was the only one to swim and Piolho, for a change, spent his time drowning me. Renata wouldn’t swin because she has a massive cut (she was run over by a bicycle in Guarapari), Vivi didn’t swim because she washed her hair yesterday and Well was being a sissy. I had a chat with Beu (he’s really cute). Some of the people from the evil gang were there (Binho, Gino, Onofre, etc). Binho, sex maniac as usual, said he would give me back my notebook if I let him snog me. We talked a lot with Piolho, Fernando & co, they left and Renata and I got back to our table. At one point Well and Vivi sat on the same chair, she sat on his lap, and Celso (Renata’s mum’s boyfriend) being really nasty ordered Vivi to get off Well. Well just mumbled “What a nasty bastard” and Celso screamed: “Oh, so I’m nasty am I?” and that was the end of it.

We came home at 14:30. In the afternoon, at 16:40, Renata and I went downstairs. Andre showed up on his Garelly and after much begging he let me go for a ride. I went to the 406 and saw a police car. I drove really slowly, as I thought they wouldn’t stop me driving slowly and also being a girl. They totally ignored me, luckily. Fabiano showed up with his Garelly, so Renata and I went for a spin. When we got back Renata’s mum called her and we both went to hers. When we got there Renata’s mum told her off really bad (for riding) and said that Renata was not allowed downstairs anymore today. We were playing a game. Vivi phoned and said she was waiting for me at the I block. Well had done a tattoo today on her. Renata convinced her mum to let her out and we went down. Her tattoo is cool! Vivi went home, Pedro left (it was 19:30). Eunice, Renata, Andre (without his Garelli) were chatting. Marcia showed up too. After a lot of arguments Andre left. Some people from the evil gang showed up and Renata saw Cesar. We ran to see him (it had been 3 months), but he was really weird, it must be all the grass he’s smoking. His hair has gone a bit red. He was cold and distant but I was happy to see him, he is my favourite out of the evil gang. The caretaker of the K block asked us to clear off, so we went back to the I block. Andre showed up in his Garelli and the evil gang left. I really had to beg (again) to go for a ride.

As I was coming back (it was 21:00) my mum saw me and made me go home, she wasn’t too angry though. Vivi phoned me and asked me to go down and I did. Well was there too. Renata went to a ball at Assefe. Vivi didn’t want to go. The three of us went to Well’s, he wanted to put some trousers on as it was cold. It rained on the way back. Shit! It only rains during Carnaval. Eixao was packed but the people who go there are crap. We went up to Well’s again and watched it from his window. We went back to the 405 and there was no one around. I went home around 11. Can you believe that Vivi’s mum would have let her stay out until 5 in the morning if she had gone to Assefe. I’m dying to go to a nice Carnaval ball!