BSB 15/11/1985 Friday

BSB 15/11/1985 Friday

Today is mayoral elections on most capitals (after 20 years!). My mum went to Goiania to support PT’s candidate. PT used to come 3rd or 4th in previous elections, at least now it’s in second place.

In the morning me, Alexandra, Vivi and Luis (Viviene split up from Pedro and is seeing Luis now) went to the club. In the afternoon, Henrique and Riba turned here by surprise, by motorbike. We talked for 2 hours. Henrique said he might go to tonight’s party at Assefe, but in the end he didn’t.

So, tonight was Assefe’s party and an invitation was needed to get in. We didn’t have one. Alexandra got in with some guys who bought table tickets, Renata went in with Luis’ brother. Ana and I cried to the doorman and he let us in. Vivi got in with Luis. Tarzan was there and we nearly got together, he hugged me and kissed me all over my face. Then we went for a dance and I realised he fancies Alexandra, I spotted William, told Tarzan he should try and get off with Alexandra and went to say hi to William, Cleiton and Negao.

After a while I asked William if he wanted to go for a walk around the place, very bold of me! We sat outside and I almost felt sorry for him. He had to work so hard to get a kiss from me, I didn’t really want to kiss him, in the end I let him and we snogged until around 2. Renata got off with Robinson, then Leo (Luis’ brother). Ana Amelia felt sick and called her dad to come and get her. Alexandra finally snogged Tarzan really late, just after William left. After he left I was like a gooseberry for 40 minutes until we left…

When I got home my mum was waiting for me and I got massively told off.

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