BSB 15/08/1985 Thursday

BSB 15/08/1985 Thursday

Got up late at 6:30, the alarm didn’t go off and got to school at 7:15. On the way to PAE Henrique was leaving with Riba and I asked to borrow his notes again. He did but his questions were different. I got 5 points today and have 41 in total, Lara is in second place with 39. I asked Roberto to return Henrique his notes as I had Maths and the teacher was in class. She took some points from me because I missed one of the exercises! I think she’s against me. The test was moved to Monday.

In the break we went to the office and while Fabiane got money from her mum (the headmistress) I talked to the Geography teacher and she told me I got 70%, which is a miracle as I didn’t revise. Went to buy sweets and Marcelo kept bugging me for some, he only talks to me when he wants sweets. We stayed in our corner, which by the way is near where Henrique stays. We talked to our dance and history teachers and agreed we will enact the greek play ‘Antigone’, it will be hard but we will try, it’s the end of year play. The people who do drawing instead of dance will do the masks, etc. When the lesson ended I left the class and Henrique and Riba were walking past and I thanked him for his notes, he just stopped right in front of me and using a cheesy, Casanova voice, said ‘You are always welcome’, I nearly bumped into him, because he stopped in front of me so quickly. Riba laughed at the situation, he has a nice laugh.

The dance lesson was one of those when she puts Milton Nascimento songs on, didn’t cry this time as I was happy. Natacha, Dani and I walked to the bus stop together, Marcelo was ahead of us, then he took a u-turn and walked between Dani and I, well, he majorly bumped into us. So we carried on walking together. Marcelo was being a pest, and scribbled all over my notebook. I turned to him and said really loud ‘Oh my god, you are such a brat!”

Got a lift with Luciana (from Dance) she lives at 207 and offered me a lift, not much of a lift as I still have to walk a bit but I like her. When I got there Orlando and Henrique were sitting together and when I walked past Orlando stuck his leg out and I tripped. Grrrr! On the way home I was talking to Hermes, he’s a bit mad and fancies Fernanda. Henrique was right behind us and when we got to 108 he called out ‘hey Leticia!’. I don’t know if he said that because he likes me or because he doesn’t.

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