BSB 15/06/85 Saturday

BSB 15/06/85 Saturday

Woke up at 7:08 and washed my hair. Spent a couple of hours copying some music lyrics. Soon after 2, Alexandra and I went ot Cristina’s, to return some things we borrowed from her. After that I only went out in the evening. Alex, Renata, Ana Amelia and I went to the Junina party at school La Salle, at 906. It was packed. Marcelinho was there selling tickets to his party, Alexandra and I bought one each. Clovis was there and Alexandra went mad with excitement. It was a great party and despite being a Junina party (which would mean old-fashioned country limericks/songs being played) they only played rock, New Wave. There was even live music. Tico was there and he walked with us to the bus stop. At 21:00 me, Alexandra, Cristiane, Aline and a couple of boys (including Tico) went to 108, the boys went to the bus stop and we stayed at 108. Marcelo and some friends walked by and we went with them. They went to Marcelo’s house and we went to Aline’s house. Cris and Aline are ‘assim’ with Marcelo (‘assim’ means really close). Renata and Ana stayed at La Salle. At Aline’s house there was a little gathering, Aline’s parents were away. Her sister took some friends and made some caipirinhas for everyone. I took two sips and gave it some bloke. HORRIBLE STUFF! Alexandra dived in the caipirinha.

Aline’s neighbour is a pain in the arse and keeps an eye on them, same for the caretaker for her building. She lives on the first floor and when we left it had to be done in small groups, so they wouldn’t notice there was a party going on.

Aline’s place is near Vizinhanca (where Marcelo’s party was). We went there at around 10. Alex and I went to the back of the room to dance. It only got started at 23:00, and it was empty by 1:15. Marcelo was looking cute and I kept seeing him every two minutes. Alberto, Julio and Mauro turned up. Alexandra and I were just dancing and we noticed Mauro and Cristiane were together, again – and Julio with Aline. I didn’t get off with Marcelo, but at least he wasn’t with anyone else either, so all is well. Alberto was drunk and kept pestering Alexandra and I with some boring non-sense.

When it emptied out at 1 Alexandra and I thought it was time to go, everyone got off with someone except for Alexandra and I. A really ugly guy, ugly as sin, wanted to get off with Alexandra, but she wouldn’t let him near her, he was as ugly as a dog. Her excuse was that she didn’t want to leave me on my own. We talked to Marcelinho and asked him to get us a lift home. The silly boy then introduced us to one of his friends. Hey (forgot his name) this is Leticia (pointing at Alexandra) and this is Joana (pointing at me). Very funny… From now on I’m calling him Zezinho. He did find us a lift, but the rest of the gang was going on foot so we left with them.

Cristiane, Mauro, Aline and Julio stayed behind snogging the faces off each other. Alberto was too drunk, and he came towards me as if to hug me, I got out of the way, and he said he just wanted to clean his hands. He came again, I grabbed him, and made him clean his hands on some bar’s marquee. Everyone laughed. We stopped at that very bar for a bit as we knew some people there, including the guy who had offered to give us a lift, so we just waited on a table. At 2am we got back to Aline’s block, where the car was. Me and Alexandra walked alone at the back, and the 4 couples walked ahead. While the car owner’s went upstairs (he was with Alina’s sister) we kept taking the piss out of Aline and Julio. At a quarter past 2 Marcelinho and three friends walked by, we chatted a bit, and finally we got home. The 3 girlfriends of the 4 guys live at 108, so didn’t need a lift, and all these guys lived in the North wing.

Got home at 2:40 and my mum was very angry, but it was worth it.