BSB 15/05/85 Wednesday

BSB 15/05/85 Wednesday

On the way to school on the bus I sat near Giba, then when I was going to the back of the school he walked past us, in school I went to the office and he was there too. In Geography we had a test about graphs. During RE my group rehearsed for the Eugenio (Blitz song) play. We were rehearsing in a class opposite 6B when we suddenly realised they were all watching us, including the teacher. They were laughing. One of our teachers, Marli, can’t understand why we are rehearsing so much when the play is about improvising.

During the break we sat on the bench near the doceiro and Petronio. I went to buy sweets 3 times today. First time I chatted with Henrique, Riba, Arthur and Alexandre, and told them about the Geography test. Then the second time was to say hi to Marcelo, we chatted for a bit and I sat down again. Then Petronio asked me to sit with him so I could tell him about the Geography test, then I borrowed 300crz from him and I bought another sweet.

We will have a Science test on Weds and Maths on Friday. Tomorrow is Caseb’s anniversary – our school is 25 years old, but there’s only going to be mass and I’m not going to school for that. On the way out from school Marcelo said there was going to be a fight, but it never happened. When Natacha, Dani and I got to the bus stop, the bus was arriving, I ran to catch it, and saw Giba at the bus stop.

Finally, it has been organised: Alex, Ana Amelia and I are doing dance lessons on Mon/Weds/Frid from 15:00 to 16:00. Alexandra told me this: Andre, the guy who threw that party at 206, called Adriana asking for my number (saying he wanted to have a serious, private, conversation with me). Adriana called Alexandra asking for my number. Yesterday he tried to call me 5 times, according to Alexandra, and it was constantly engaged. Adriana likes him and was upset he was trying to call me. So he asked her out.