BSB 14/09/1985 Saturday

BSB 14/09/1985 Saturday

In the morning we were supposed to rehearse but very few people turned up and we only rehearsed for 15 minutes. Most people left and me, Ivone, Ana, Renata and Cristina stayed. We found 120 thousand cruzeiros and as we were hungry we went to eat. Actually, we stole the money and I think the shit will hit the fan. In the afternoon Renata and I hitched a ride to her father’s at 216 South and we watched ‘Fame’. We got back when it was dark, we got a lift with a gorgeous guy!

In the evening Renata, Ana, Cristina, Ivone and I went to Luciana’s party. Renata’s brother took us there. We were the first ones to arrive, we were laughing and looking at people’s clothes. When we are bored that’s what we do. It got busier but the party wasn’t very good. Cristina and Ivone left. Renata, Ana and I sat on a bench by the block’s entrance. Some guys got out of the lift, had a look, got back in, went up, then down again, then up again… We decided to get back to the party and then at midnight we sang happy birthday. There was a 15th birthday waltz, and food. Around 1 the party started to fizzle out, we took some photos. Some really annoying guy called Flavio wouldn’t leave me alone, what a dick, ridiculous! We got home at 01:40, Ana’s father picked us up.

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