BSB 14/07/1985 Sunday

BSB 14/07/1985 Sunday

In the morning Renata, Ana and I went to the club, but it was empty. My friend Renata arrives at 22:30 and we are going to pick her up from the airport. Stayed home all afternoon and in the evening Renata and I went for a little walk at Summer. It was packed! Then we went to Cristina’s, her mum is in Rio. Alexandra is staying there while Cristina’s mum is away. Alexandra is my friend and I like very much, but she’s an empty person, without personality. When a new friend arrives on the scene she starts trying to be like them and starts to imitate them. Cristina is the perfect example. She cut her hair like Cristina’s, wants to sing and dance and be in a band. She used to hate Chico Buarque (I have always listened and loved him since I was a child), but now she loves him because of Cristina.

Today Cristina went to take some photos and Alexandra went too, and she now wants to have some taken, face only for now, but I bet soon enough I’ll be seeing her in a porn magazine cover. And I don’t think her head is mature enough to do what Cristina does. Wouldn’t surprise me if she got pregnant just because Cristina is pregnant too. But I keep quiet, today I only bumped into her by accident and she was really rude. Fine. I just hope she doesn’t get into serious trouble. Because after all, Cristina is an 18 year old woman, and Alexandra is only 14 years old.

We picked Renata from the airport.

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