BSB 14/06/85 Friday

BSB 14/06/85 Friday

This Saturday the teachers will decide whether to strike or not. If it happens it will be a big strike… The Geography teacher doesn’t want to join the strike, but the majority of teachers, from the satellite cities, want it. Our PE teacher will have her operation and will disappear for a week, today she didn’t go to school. Lara did the register. We rehearsed the play for Portuguese but all we managed to do was argue. In Maths the teacher marked a date for self-evaluation for Tuesday and test on Weds. She said that even with the strike she will teach. Poor deluded woman! She said that during the strike we will have to go to school just for her lesson.

At break time I stayed with Fabi and Paulista was chatting to us about some nonsense. He wants me to buy a bottle of chloroform (1L for 30,000crz) to make and sell lolo, or he just sells me the lolo ready for consumption for me to sell. I said ‘No way!!!’ Selling it would be a good source of income, but it’s not going to happen, I’m not stupid.

In double Portuguese we went to the auditorium to show our plays. Only 4 groups, as one of the groups had 16 people! I’m part of this super group but I left as it was too chaotic. Our group did an average presentation.

In Dance we are going back to Tues/Thurs as there are only 3 people in our current group. Beto, Cristina’s beloved, went to watch the lesson today, but left soon.

In the evening me, Renata, Alexandra, Cristina and Lurdes went to Gilberto at 21:00. Cristina’s brother took us there. On Friday Gilberto is really cool, not too busy, very relaxed. We stayed at Barril 2000. Cristina used to sing there but she stopped. As she knows everyone there she can take anyone she wants to the clubs. To get inside Tropicalia costs 10,000crz but we got in for free, but it only gets going at 1am and we had left by midnight.

Beto plays the drums at Barril 2000, Miltinho plays the sax. Cristina got off with Solon, and Lurdes sort of had a thing with Remi, who seemed pretty drunk, but ok. We got dropped at home (myself and Alexandra) while the others went to Beirute.