BSB 14/02/1985 Thursday

BSB 14/02/1985 Thursday

Renata, Vi and I went to the club in the morning. We played volleyball and sunbathed. My mum is still in Goiania.
Jesus! I hadn’t watched the news for ages. Yesterday the dollar was 3,729 crz. Today it went up to 3,803crz. On the black market it’s 4,500 crz. In the afternoon we went down and painted the town red.

Vivi came here and then Renata called us and we went downstairs. Then Nica, then Andre, then Fabiano and a friend showed up too. A Telebras van, with two guys inside was parked up, they had nothing else to do so we were chatting with one of the guys. Negao and Patricia showed up too. Then everyone left and Renata, Vivi, Nica and I came to my place to play buraco. What a mess! We played, sang, argued . .. We went downstairs at around 4:00 to the playground, chatted for a while and then went home.

It’s now 22:30 and I just came home. Vivi called me at 19: 15 and Fabiano and Nica were downstairs too. Later Nica and I came up so I could eat. The intercom rang (Vi was with Well at the playground) and it was Renata and Ascle (returning the record I lent him). We went to the playground and Andre was there, then Fabiano arrived. Renata and I put pressure on Fabiano for him to go out with Nica. Then Renata and I (especially Renata) started arguing with Andre and Asclepiades. Pedro and Vivi got fed up with our screaming and went to the I block. After much pushing Nica and Fabiano had a snog and they are now going out. He’s doing it for a laugh but Nica likes him for real. But Nica is such a wild animal, so childish, she spent the whole time running away from Fabiano and screaming, it was only after hours of chasing that he got a kiss. We went to Vivi and Well, Nica and Fabiano came after us (we left Andre and Ascle behind as we were fed up with them). As Renata was on her own (her mum went to watch the Chico Anisio show, Flora and Patricia went away, Rodrigo had gone out and Ronaldo is living with his dad) I went back to hers. We ate sweetcorn watching the Globo Reporter.
I went home and left Renata feeling scared of being on her own.