BSB 13/07/1985 Saturday

BSB 13/07/1985 Saturday

In USA and UK today there’s a massive rock festival, all the proceeds will go to Ethiopia. This will be the biggest simultaneous music event, with the largest number of performers (more than Rock in Rio), 40 performers. 20 in the USA and 20 in the UK. As this only lasts for 1 day, each performance will only be for 20 minutes.

On the 11th it snowed in Santa Catarina, it was -4c!

In the morning my mother and I went to Taguatinga and bought me a new bed. It only cost 290,000crz. After that we went to Conjunto Nacional shopping centre, I bought new blue shoes for 65,000 and books. I really wanted to read something and made my mum buy me books. Got home at 13:30, got ready and went to dance rehearsal with Alexandra, Renata and Ana Amelia arrived soon. Cristina developed her naked photos and I got to keep this one, the nicest!
(I still have the photo in my diary but I’m not putting it here, obviously)

She looks very pretty in this, unrecognisable! But even if I looked amazing I wouldn’t sell my body like that – also I would never have the courage to pose naked! When I get older I might let my boyfriend take naked photos of me, but would never let it be published in a magazine. Next month she will be published in ‘Ele e Ela’ (Him and Her), she will get 4,000,000crz (yep, four million cruzeiros). If someone opens my diary without reading it they will think I’m a lesbian! A naked photo of a woman!

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