BSB 13/02/1985 Wednesday

BSB 13/02/1985 Wednesday

Today I enrolled at the school of Music. Carmen was there at 6:00 as it gets packed (some people sleep there, just to enrol). I woke up at 7. My mum was going to Goiania today so she dropped me at the EMB, and took over Carmen’s place in the queue while she took my mum to the airport. She had a piece of paper that guarantees a place. What a mess! There was a bearded guy taking the names of people who still didn’t have a place guaranteed and he was coming back with the piece of paper (if you didn’t have one, no place for you!). He was useless! He asked people to form a queue but everyone just ran after him to find out what was going on.

I’ve never seen anything so disorganised. Carmen came back and took me to another queue. She went around for a while and came back saying I needed my school’s authorisation to enrol.. My number was l30. The queue was moving so slow that we left at 9:00 to go to Caseb, and it was on number 48. EMB is on the 602 and Caseb is on the 910. So we went to Caseb, got the authorization and when we got back it was on number 51. I met Cinthia, Roberto, Brenilce (all from Caseb) who were also trying to enrol and were very annoyed. To make it worse it was very sunny. Finally I got in and enrolled, at around 11 :00, and at 11:30 they were closing all enrolments, which was when we left. I’m having classes on Mondays and Wednesday, from the 25th. It starts at 14:00 and finishes at 16:00. It’s only 3,000 per month. Everyone had gone to the club in the morning.

It’s 9:45, I just arrived from downstairs, and as my mum has gone away, Carmen will be staying here. She has a dog which does not sleep without her (never met him) so she’ll bring him around He’s a sausage dog, so I should have a laugh!

In the afternoon I put some petrol in Andre’s Garelly and I had a ride. I said I was just going “there” and disappeared for a while. Then Vivi, Nica, Renata and I made some porridge and ate it. We had a laugh by the B block (my block) near the parked cars. Patricia showed up and then Vivi, Nica and Pat left. I went to Renata’s, she had some food and we came down again (7:40), and called Vivi and Nica and went to the playground Well didn’t show up tonight, don’t know why. Andre, Fabiano, Negao, Ascle and Cleiton were there too and we had an ‘orgy’ of fun. We had such a laugh! But I went home early.