BSB 12/11/1985 Tuesday

BSB 12/11/1985 Tuesday

It was really windy this morning, my ears still hurt from it, it was too much! We had Science test today and I didn’t revise, thinking I would be able to cheat, as usual. But the teacher stood right next to me and I couldn’t get other people’s answers. Everyone else cheated but me, and then I was about to read the note Karina’s secret friend had sent her, and the disgusting teacher took my paper from me. I called her all names under the sun and made a big fuss, but she still didn’t kick me out. She also didn’t give me my test back for me to finish, so I failed for sure. As well as not paying the slightest attention to the class I never revise, I just get through by cheating… She is the worst teacher ever.

We had History in the 3rd and 5th periods. I had a big fight with Orlando today. When the break finished and I was walking back to class I walked past him and stepped on his foot, on purpose, for a joke, he pushed me and made me trip, I was going to swear at him, but I just gave him a look. Silly boy. Went to English class in the afternoon.

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