BSB 12/08/1985 Monday

BSB 12/08/1985 Monday

Menudo is touring Brazil, new hysteria across the nation. Thankfully I’m no longer inflicted with this disease, but I can’t deny they are all attractive.

Today was an unusual day in school, just volleyball, dodgeball and football. The volley games were in the gym, the dodgeball games were in the outdoor courts. The football preliminaries were outside and the finals in the gym. 8B didn’t turn up so our team went straight to the final. We won the volleyball against 8c! The team was me, Lara, Pat Figueiredo, Anselma, Ana Claudia and Fabiane. Not a great team but we won thanks to crowd support and trying hard.

The gym was packed when we played. We won 21×10 (first team to 21pts won). Pat F and I bumped into each other during the match and I hurt myself. When the match finished I went outside to wash my elbow and Tairona was chatting to me while I did it. In football, the gym was almost empty and despite our support we lost to 8C. There was food for everyone but I didn’t want to eat. I stayed talking with Fabi, Pat F, Natacha and some others until noon.

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