BSB 12/07/1985 Friday

BSB 12/07/1985 Friday

Tomorrow is the ‘Day of Rock’ and I made a list of bands that have survived the last 3 years (brazilian only)
Blitz! – the most important group in the country
Paralamas do Sucesso – one of its members is from Brasilia, Herbert Vianna
Metro – got big in the last year
Legião Urbana – the most recent band, from Brasilia
Ultrage a rigor – They have been around for a while but only just release their first LP
RPM – got big this year
Plebe Rude – another group from Brasilia
Magazine – been around since 82

There are many more, but these ones are more than one hit wonders. Every day a new band appears. The one that’s been around for the longest is Blitz.

Today Reagan (the president of the US) had an operation on his small intestine – he had a benign polyp. A simple operation, it only took 2 hours. But they then found a bigger polyp in the big intestine and it looks precancerous. I don’t wish him dead (also ‘vaso ruim não se quebra’ -> a bad vase doesn’t break easily) but I hope he has to go through 5 operations to suffer. He’s on his second mandate and thinks he’s in a cowboy movie, with him as sheriff of the world. Mistreating less powerful countries…

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