BSB 12/06/85 Wednesday

BSB 12/06/85 Wednesday

Today felt warmer, it was 11c in the morning and 22c by lunchtime. In PE the teacher announced she will be absent for 2 weeks (she will have an operation) and as they don’t send a replacement if someone is absent for 2 weeks, the class reps will be in charge. In Geography we got our results, it was a tough test, the highest mark was 80%, only one person got that, Orlando. I got 70%. Not bad as I didn’t revise at all. Fabi and Karina failed. Pat Lima and Lara got a C. Natacha got 76%.

In RE the teacher let us rehearse for the Portuguese play. Johnny is always bugging me, he keeps saying that Orlando fancies me! During the break Alexandre gave me a sweet.

We rehearsed more in the second half of Science. The bell for the Maths lesson rang 10 mins early (I don’t know if the times have changed or if people in the office have lost the plot) and I got home earlier than usual.

Pharmacists, doctors and school caretakers are on strike. Today in school no caretakers were there and we had to leave the school clean. Today is valentine’s day and romance was in the air. Unfortunately I’m not doing so well on that front.

Marcelinho cut his hair and he looks cute again. Ah! During the break I was at the canteen, near the ramp, and Orlando pushed me, then I threw a paper ball at his face. I don’t know why I said ‘sorry’ and Tairona who was walking by said
– If you want I will forgive you instead
– Ok! (I said jokingly)