BSB 12/02/85 Tuesday

BSB 12/02/85 Tuesday

It was sunny in the morning, so Renata, Andre and I went to the club. We hang around with Piolho’s girlfriend and she said that Deca arrives back from Sergipe on Saturday and Piolho is working and that is why he didn’t go away. We played volleyball but didn’t swim. Renata’s mum picked us up at 12:15. When I got home I had a shower and had lunch. Renata asked me to hers so we could watch the 2 o’clock soap (which starts at 13:30 – the mind boggles). After the soap we called Vivi and we went back to Renata’s to play cards. Vivi and Nica went over too. Halfway through it we heard the sound of a Garelly, it was Andre. We ran downstairs to have a ride.

Renata, Nica and I rode it all afternoon. We promised to put petrol in it tomorrow (Yeah, right!). We got bored and decided to go roller skating. I borrowed Ana Paula’s (Vivi’s and Nica’s oldest sister). I hadn’t done it for a year so I was really scared at first. We got bored of it after an hour and put our shoes back on. We then rode the Garelly again. Vivi and Nica and Andre went home. Renata and I went to the I block (The evil gang was there) but met Juliana and Asclepiades before we got there. Juliana wanted to come to mine and listen to some MPB records. Renata, Juliana and I chatted until 8 when they both left. I had a shower and Vivi called me, Pedro (Well) showed up and then Andre: We were chatting then it rained then Andre nearly asked me out
again, but whenever he started towards that direction I changed the subject. I went home at 22:00. It’s 23:10 now.