BSB 11/10/1985 Friday

BSB 11/10/1985 Friday

It’s Deca’s birthday today and I sent him a card. We only had 1st period today, school was empty. Today was the day for getting our reports and homage to teachers. Renata, Natacha, Lara and I were talking, later we got the great circular bus and did a 1 hour loop of the North and South wings. My mum went to Goiania on Weds and comes back today. I stayed with Mrs. Dora, our maid.

My father is the one paying for the trip to Paraguai, he was supposed to call me on Weds but only called today, he’s supposed to come here at 4. I haven’t seen him for four years!

The dollar is at 8,020 on the official market and 10,250 on the black market.

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