BSB 11/09/1985 Wednesday

BSB 11/09/1985 Wednesday

Karina, Fabiane and I skipped P.E. then we had Geography and RE. During the break it was the four of us and Marcelinho, Daniele wasn’t in today. Then we had Science and Maths. A very ordinary day. There is a bankers strike right now all over Brasil, result: very few banks are open. Also the private school strike continues.

Bolinha the kitten died! I thought she was out of danger, even though she was only 4 weeks old. I guess I just didn’t give her enough food, no time before or after English because I was too busy thinking about Henrique, I don’t know. She didn’t miaow or ask for food and I didn’t realise. I think I’m irresponsible. It was awful putting her in a bag and throwing her out, I couldn’t bury her around here. To make things better I threw some talcum powder in the bag and wrapped it in a shirt. What a shame!

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