BSB 11/08/1985 Sunday

BSB 11/08/1985 Sunday

It’s father’s day today but for me it’s just an ordinary Sunday. Vivi and Alexandra went to visit their fathers in the cemetery. Vivi’s father’s story is a bit like a telenovela. He killed himself with a shot to the head, in a car, but Vivi’s mum only told them this year, in July. Before that the story was that he died in a car accident, but Vivi suspected something didn’t add up. Her father was very rich but when he died his sisters took everything from Vivi’s mum, and this is why now her aunt pays for everything: school, English. Vivi thinks is so they can appear to be good and feel better about themselves.

On the 6th it was 40 years since Hiroshima was destroyed by an atom bomb, which destroyed everything in a 4km radius killing 100,000 people instantaneously. And today’s atom bombs are 10 time more powerful than Hiroshima’s…

Today, at Summer, was the final of ‘Summer Girl’ and it was packed, more than during carnival. Went with Valeria, Renata, Ana and Cristina, at 16:40, but the catwalk only started at 17:45. At first we were very near the catwalk, but it was too crowded so we left, we had to push our way out. While doing that I saw Marcelo in front of me, without a shirt on, and I had to put my hands on his back, because of all the pushing. He looked at me and smiled and said we couldn’t go around via the back of Summer because it was closed. So we just found a spot and stayed there, a bit far away from the action, but it looked a bit intense by the stage. It was so chaotic they nearly stopped the whole contest. Isabela entered the contest. Remi (ai ai ia, shame he’s married) was there with Beto, Ronaldi. Didn’t think Remi would remember me as we only met once, but he did. I talked to Alberto for a bit, his sister was also in the contest and Cristiane. We left at 19:20

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