BSB 11/07/1985 Thursday

BSB 11/07/1985 Thursday

A few weeks ago an Indian plane fell and 329 people died, no one knows if it was a bomb or what. They found the black box today, in the ocean and soon we will know if it was a terrorist attack or something else.

Today the Brasiliense justice started to listen to the accounts of the 9 people implicated in Mario Eugenio’s death. He had uncovered components of the death squad which was made out of corrupt military policemen. This squad killed car thieves and kept the stolen cars. Mario Eugenio was about to blow the whistle but was killed the day before as he left work on 11/11/84. These were the people involved in his death:
Lauro Rieth – ex public security secretary, until March he was in charge of the investiagion of the murder and that’s why no one knew what had really happened.
Ary Sardella – detective in charge of investigation, accused of ordering the killing.
Divino Jose De Matos – policeman accused of firing the 7 shots
Iracildo Jose De Oliveira – policeman in charge of investigating the case, and accused of taking part in the crime.
Moacyr de Assuncao Loyola – also from the police
Antonio Nazareno – Coordinated the killing operation
Aurelino Silvino de Oliveira
Davi Antonio de Couto
Geraldo Queiroz de Oliveira

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