BSB 11/02/85 Monday

BSB 11/02/85 Monday

In the morning I went to Renata’s and we played buraco until we couldn’t play anymore! Vivi’s classes started
today but she didn’t go (she’s studying in the morning this year). My mum wanted to take some pictures of me
so I asked Vivi to come with us and we went to the 105 and took 12 black and white photos, for 8,00. My mum
dropped us home and went to work. Vivi decided to phone Andre and asked him to come over. We went down
and he arrived (he was all dressed up). We called Renata and she came down at 14:30. Asclepiades was
walking past and stopped to have a chat. I told him I had the Blitz record and he wanted to borrow it, so I went
home and lent it to him, he then went to his place (at the N block) to pick up the Queen Live Killers and
Supertramp’s latest album. While we waited for him (he took ages as he had a shower etc), Gino, Fabiano
(Andre’s brother) showed up at the I block.

Renata and I went over leaving Vivi and Andre alone. Gino moved to Guara and we don’t see him much these days. Vivi shouted my name and suggested a game of cards, I went over and then home to pick up my cards. We then went to Renata’s. It was me and Renata against Vivi and Andre (who sat next to me). We lost really badly because Renata and I wouldn’t stop giggling, I’m not sure why. Alexandre showed up at Renata’s to have a drink of water and eat some biscuits and then left. I don’t understand that boy! Someone phoned Renata and as she was taking forever to came back to the table. Andre and Vivi decided to leave, without saying good bye and dragged me with them! When I got home I recorded the Queen album. Renata called me on the intercom and I asked her up. She decided to phone Gil, and I ended up talking to him. Cool! Here’s the dialog:
G – Hiya Lelé, how’s things?
L – Fine; and you (we spent ages just greeting each other, I knew he was going away so I asked:) Are you
going away?
G – Yes, Rio Verde.
L – Where’s that?
G – I’m not sure! I’m just going to cio-something.
L – Wouldn’t you rather stay here?
G – Yes, but if you came with me I would rather go.
L – Stop joking!
G – I’m not. Would you like to come?
L – My mum wouldn’t let me (I think she would!)
G – If she did, would you come?
L – I think so.
G – To see the place or to be with me?
L – Both, I guess. .. I’m only joking.
G – I’m serious.
L – Me too.
G – I’m dying to see you, I miss you.
L – Yeah, right … Just come around one of these days then.
G – OK, can I talk to Renata a bit?
L – Fine, ok then, bye.
G – Bye, big kiss for you.

Ahhhhhh! I was jumping so high! His voice is really weird on the phone though. Renata went home to take a
shower after that. At 19:00 Vivi phoned and we went down. Well arrived at 19:30 and for some reason Vivi and
I argued. I went home and was recording when Renata asked me to go with her to the chemist. When we were
going past the A block someone called us, but we couldn’t see whom it was: it was Andre. We went to the
chemist but Renata didn’t have enough money for the medicine she had to buy. We went back, Renata got more
money and we went back to the chemist again. On the way back we met Binho and I asked for my Memory
notebook back (He still hasn’t given it back to me). He said he would give it back and gave me a cuddle, one of
his, when you can barely breathe because he’s so strong and he won’t let go.

Renata had to go home so Andre and I chatted until 22:20. We talked so much shit and a lot of nice things too, even marriage. Then he brought me to the entrance and wanted to give 3 goodbye kisses, he stuck to my hand and wouldn’t let me go for half an hour. But nothing exciting happened.